C'est la cerise sur le gâteau
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Literal translation

“It’s the cherry on the cake!”

English equivalence

“It’s the icing on the cake!”

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Explanation / Comment

This idiom refers to the finishing touch of a cherry on top of a cake that gives it the perfect decoration.

Use this expression when a detail puts the finishing touch to a situation or a project.

It can also be used in an ironic tone, meaning in this case that one last detail completely deteriorates a situation that was already going badly.


🇫🇷 “En plus de gagner le tournoi de Wimbledon, Andy Murray se qualifie pour le Masters. C’est la cerise sur le gâteau !”

🇬🇧 “In addition to winning the Wimbledon tournament, Andy Murray qualifies for the Masters. It’s the icing on the cake!


🇫🇷 “En plus de gagner le tournoi de Wimbledon, Andy Murray se qualifie pour le Masters. C’est la cerise sur le gâteau !”

🇬🇧 “In addition to winning the Wimbledon tournament, Andy Murray qualifies for the Masters. It’s the icing on the cake!

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Anthony Lucas Online French Tutor

About the author: Anthony Lucas

Hi there! I’ve been a French teacher since 2007. I have taught French as a foreign language to hundreds of students from all over the world in Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong and France.

➜ I now teach French online and develop the website OnlineFrenchTeacher.com.