online dictionary WordReference
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When learning French or any other language, you need a good dictionary!

Learning a foreign language requires dedication and practice, but having a reliable dictionary is essential for effective communication. A good dictionary allows you to expand your vocabulary and grasp the nuances of the language you are learning. It provides definitions, synonyms, and examples that help you understand and use words correctly. This is particularly true in the French language, where the same word can have several definitions and therefore several uses. Without a context, it would be impossible to know the meaning of the word …

French dictionary

Furthermore, a comprehensive dictionary also offers insights into idiomatic expressions and cultural references, enhancing your understanding of the language’s native speakers.

➜ I really recommend using WordReference, an excellent online dictionary.


French dictionary - link to listen to the pronunciation

First of all, WordReference suggests the pronunciation of the word you are looking for. You can even choose between the French accent or the Quebec accent.

French dictionary - conjugation of the verbs

Verb conjugation

French dictionary - link to the conjugation

When you search for a verb, you’ll immediately find a link to its conjugation in all tenses. It’s really handy!

Different translations

A single word can have several definitions, of course! So WordReference gives you them all, in order from most to least frequently used.

You’ll find at least one example for each definition, to help you understand how to use the word.

French dictionary - various translations
French dictionary - compound forms

All expressions with the word

After giving you the definitions of the word in question, WordReference offers you all the compound forms. This is where you’ll find the expressions related to the word.

Still in doubt? Check out the forum!

If you’re still not sure how to use the word, WordReference users have set up a discussion forum. You’re sure to find what you’re looking for!

French dictionary - forum

Download the application onto your mobile phone, save the URL on your computer, and you’ll be ready to look up words, expressions, pronunciation, conjugation, examples, etc.

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Anthony Lucas Online French Tutor

About the author: Anthony Lucas

Hi there! I’ve been a French teacher since 2007. I have taught French as a foreign language to hundreds of students from all over the world in Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong and France.

➜ I now teach French online and develop the website