๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ร‰tudier le franรงais sur la plateforme E-learning, c’est facile
๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Studying French on the E-learning platform is easy

Access to the French E-learning platform

The French E-learning platform is available 24/7, from a computer, smartphone or tablet.

The first two units of the platform are open access. Anyone can discover the lessons, listen to the audios and do the exercises.

To access all the units on the platform, you need to register. There are three access options.

  • Firstly, it is possible to access all the e-learning courses free of charge, in the form of a one-week trial.
  • If you are taking online French lessons with one of the Online French Teacher teachers, you will automatically have free access to the entire E-learning platform for the duration of the course.
  • Finally, if you are not taking French classes with one of Online French Teacher’s French teachers and the trial period is over, you can take out a monthly subscription.

The My French Learning page allows you to see all the units, lessons and exercises in the programme, as well as your progress through the programme.

Organisation of the French E-learning platform

The French E-learning platform is organised hierarchically with the following levels:


First, it makes sense to group the learning content according to French language level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). This is the first level of organisation, called LEVEL.


Within the levels, broad objectives are set. These are called SECTIONS. In A1 level, there are 4 sections, i.e. 4 general objectives:



UNITS are the folders containing the content, i.e. the lessons and exercises. Their titles indicate simple, concrete and precise linguistic objectives. Thanks to the different lessons and exercises in the units, it will be possible to achieve the objective given in the title.


LESSONS are the content, the explanations, that teach you French.

There are 6 categories of lessons:

  • Grammar: indicated by the letter ๐Ÿ…ถ at the beginning of the lesson title, the grammar lessons explain all the rules you need to learn and apply to speak and write French correctly.
  • Vocabulary: indicated by the letter ๐Ÿ†… at the beginning of the lesson title, the vocabulary lessons give you the names of the things you want to talk about. To find your way around a town, for example, you’ll need to know how to say “road” in French, or the names of places you frequently come across in a town.
  • Conjugation: indicated by the letters ๐Ÿ…ฒ๐Ÿ…พ at the beginning of the lesson title, the conjugation lessons focus on verbs and the different forms a verb can take depending on the tense and the subject.
  • Pronunciation: indicated by the letter ๐Ÿ…ฟ at the beginning of the lesson title, the pronunciation lessons teach you the art of articulating sounds correctly when you speak French.
  • Culture: indicated by the letter ๐Ÿ…ฒ at the beginning of the lesson title, culture lessons are the only category that doesn’t directly teach you how to write, read, speak or understand French. Instead, they enable you to understand the context in which the French language is used: the French-speaking countries, their inhabitants and their habits.
  • Savoir-Faire: indicated by the letters ๐Ÿ†‚๐Ÿ…ต at the beginning of the title of the lesson, the Savoir-Faire lessons are specially designed to give you the concrete elements you need in order to achieve the unit’s objective.


EXERCICES are situations and examples that allow you to practise and assimilate the knowledge covered in the lesson.

All these components can be found on the My French Learning page.

Page My French Learning


E-learning navigation bar

Finding your way around this platform should be very easy.

The platform is organised in such a way that it is preferable to start with the first unit and continue in the established order. In fact, the progression has been designed so that the first lessons are the most basic, the most essential, and as you go along the difficulty increases.

So, to move from one lesson to the next, it’s a good idea to click on the “Next lesson” button at the bottom of the lesson.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t let your curiosity guide you and discover the lessons ‘ร  la carte’. So how do you navigate and find the lessons you want?

Firstly, on My French Learning page, as you can see from the previous image, you have a complete view of all the levels, all the sections, all the units, all the lessons and all the exercises.

Then, when you’re reading a lesson, you can decide where you want to go in the platform using the navigation bar on the left of the screen.

Finally, there’s the perfect tool for searching for a specific lesson: the French Lesson Finder. You can search for a lesson by category and/or keyword.

French Lesson Finder

Structure of a lesson

The header

At the beginning of each lesson, you will find the following elements:

  • the title of the lesson in French and English
  • the level of the lesson
  • the category of the lesson
  • the estimated time to read the lesson and listen to its audio files (it is only an estimation, as each student is different and will need more or less time to read and assimilate the content of a lesson)
  • the author of the lesson
  • the date of the last lesson update
  • a short introduction to the lesson
  • the table of contents of the lesson
French lesson header

The content

French lessons are designed to explain unfamiliar concepts in the clearest possible way. Explanations are given in English and numerous examples are used to illustrate these explanations.

All the examples given in French and all the vocabulary words (basically all the words that appear in French in the lessons) are accompanied by their pronunciations in mp3 format.

Example audio French lesson

From time to time, you will come across light red boxes. These are cultural illustrations, i.e. documents (texts, drawings, GIFs, videos, etc.) that highlight the explanations in the lesson.

Example cultural illustration French lesson

At the end of each vocabulary, pronunciation, conjugation and savoir-faire lesson, you’ll find a button to download the Anki flashcards for that lesson. Once imported, these cards will help you memorise French words and phrases super efficiently, thanks to the Anki application.

Button download Anki flashcards to learn French

The footer

At the end of each lesson, you will find the following elements:

  • a conclusion, generally used to summarise the main points of the lesson or give advice for everyday practice
  • an invitation to scroll down to read and leave comments on the lesson
  • 2 navigation buttons to go to the previous or next lesson
  • 1 button to confirm reading of the lesson
French lesson footer


At the end of most lessons, there are exercises to ensure that you have understood the lesson correctly and to help you apply your new knowledge.

These exercises serve as a check. A minimum score of 80% is required for the lesson to be validated. You can repeat the exercises as many times as you like.

These exercises can focus on written comprehension, written expression or oral comprehension.